Dear DC,
Kyle and I ventured out today to the Health and Fitness Expo to check out a few things. One of the main reasons I wanted to go was to see a couple of local clogging groups perform. I saw one group and let's just say that I can understand why no one under the age of 60 is inspired by their performance to join clogging. I almost feel like it is my duty as a dancer to introduce some life into clogging around here...but that's another project for another day.
As we are both VERY line adverse, we didn't get any screenings done or get any of the free crap that is handed out (nor did we want any) but I did get to do something very special. I signed up to be added to the bone marrow donor registry. It was very simple form and a couple of cheek swabs and by far the most satisfying part of the day.
I've always wanted to do this but have not taken the opportunity thus far. When I was in high school my two brothers went to an information session about being a bone marrow donor and I think about becoming a live kidney donor. I don't remember if they did or were able to sign up, but I remember being very disappointed that I was too young to go with them.
I've also heard that it's quite painful but now almost always done under general anesthesia. The chances of me getting matched with someone are probably pretty slim but I am grateful that I have the opportunity to even join a database that could save someone's life.
You could also donate your baby's cord blood and have the same effect. Look into it.
With "My Marrow is Your Marrow" Love,
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Gimme Some of Your Marrow
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Peer Pressure
Dear DC,
I always thought that when I "grew up" I wouldn't be influenced by peer pressure anymore. Well everyone knows that a) I'm convinced I'm like Peter Pan and will never feel grown up and b) the peer pressure is still on! Not for the same things as in my teenage years, but the pressure to blog!
I have been reading a bunch of my friend's blogs and nearly every one of them has some type of retrospective of 2009 or resolutions for 2010. It's probably a good idea and makes for good blog fodder so I will somewhat indulge.
Best things of 2009:
- Buying our own place
- Kyle's commencement ceremony
- Both of us finding jobs in a new city
- Starting law school at GWU in August
- Upward progression of Kyle's career
- Paying off all credit card debt
Maybe I'll indulge even more and do goals sometime.
With "Just say YES to peer pressure" Love,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Birthday Boy
Dear DC,
Last year on Kyle's birthday I was not even in the same city as him, we were both unemployed, and his gift was a set of Wal-Mart pajamas.
This year, we are together, both have jobs and he got a BlackBerry for his birthday (and keeping with my tradition of not actually giving him gifts on his birthday, his other gift is still in the mail....oops.)
Although he's now a year older and doesn't feel great about that, I think we have reason to celebrate!
Happy Birthday Babe!!
With "One Year Older and Wiser Too" Love,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Crackberry Addict Jr.
Dear DC,
When I first got my Blackberry from work, I was committed to not becoming addicted to it. TOTAL FAIL (to be fair, when your boss expects you to respond all the time you don't really have a choice on the whole "addiction" now do you?).
Because I have issues and consistently can't wait to give him gifts on his actual birthday (Jan. 13th) I decided to give Kyle an early birthday present. He has been envious of my Blackberry for quite some time and after breaking a couple of his phones has been relegated to using one he quite detests. So, voila, because I am an awesome wife (and because he deserves it) I gave him a Blackberry with full data service.
And this is what I see for the rest of the night.....
Should I be worried?
With "Tap Tap Tap Tap" Love,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A New Year and New Adventures - Hippo Style
Dear DC,
When I was a little girl, I didn't play House or Mommy. I played Lawyer. I made my friends come into my "office" and tell me what was wrong so I could help them fix it legally. I helped many a 5 and 6 year old with various divorces, custody battles, harassment cases and even a pre-nup (what was I watching on TV?)
So while other little girls were planning their dream wedding (I did a bit of that too) I was plotting my high-powered legal career.
Fortunately now I have the chance to have it all...the dream wedding to Prince Charming (4.5 years and counting) AND the legal career of my childhood fantasies (again - what did my parents let me watch on TV?)
Come August I will be a full-time law student at George Washington bono (that means free of charge...I'm learning quickly.) Yup, I lucked out and got a full-tuition scholarship. I jumped at the chance to escape with a six-figure education for FREE!
Well if you don't count books, computers, lost wages, living expenses, etc. because I don't. They'll just magically take care of themselves.With "I'm a Hippo" Love,
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Ah...the Responsibilities of Homeownership
Dear DC,
We love homeownership but it has come with it's own set of challenges. We have had three, count 'em, three brand new appliances break in the three months we have been living here. It took four, count 'em, four repair visits to get the washer working (which was broken from day one) and we haven't even called in the repair on the fridge water dispenser yet.
Dare I? Before we moved in I literally laid asleep at night thinking that I had truly "arrived" because I had a water dispenser on my fridge only to have it stripped away from me weeks later. However, the thought of trying to manage being home at random times in the middle of the work day for the repairman to come and leave and come and leave and come and leave again three weeks in a row doesn't thrill me as much as it sounds. (Note: If you have a choice - don't buy Frigidaire appliances. We didn't have a choice as they came with the place but sure wish we did.)
Other things I've never had to worry about before?
- Paying for cable: Rent has pretty much always included cable. After the wake-up call of a three-figure cable bill, we did what I vowed I would never do as an adult and bought rabbit ears for the TV - throwing the cable company out on the curb (except for the over-priced Internet which I can't live without!)
- Constant Worry: No one prepared me for constantly thinking about if our condo was ok every second we are away on vacation. I think there is a chance I might be an over-worrying parent when I have kids....just a chance.
With "What's Broken Now?" Love,