Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ah...the Responsibilities of Homeownership

Dear DC,

We love homeownership but it has come with it's own set of challenges. We have had three, count 'em, three brand new appliances break in the three months we have been living here. It took four, count 'em, four repair visits to get the washer working (which was broken from day one) and we haven't even called in the repair on the fridge water dispenser yet.

Dare I? Before we moved in I literally laid asleep at night thinking that I had truly "arrived" because I had a water dispenser on my fridge only to have it stripped away from me weeks later. However, the thought of trying to manage being home at random times in the middle of the work day for the repairman to come and leave and come and leave and come and leave again three weeks in a row doesn't thrill me as much as it sounds. (Note: If you have a choice - don't buy Frigidaire appliances. We didn't have a choice as they came with the place but sure wish we did.)

Other things I've never had to worry about before?

  1. Paying for cable: Rent has pretty much always included cable. After the wake-up call of a three-figure cable bill, we did what I vowed I would never do as an adult and bought rabbit ears for the TV - throwing the cable company out on the curb (except for the over-priced Internet which I can't live without!)
  2. Constant Worry: No one prepared me for constantly thinking about if our condo was ok every second we are away on vacation. I think there is a chance I might be an over-worrying parent when I have kids....just a chance.
All in all it's been a blast and if our kick-ass housewarming party is any indication of how awesome entertaining here will be, we'll have to invite you to our next shindig.

With "What's Broken Now?" Love,
