Thursday, April 29, 2010

MWF looks for Reliable, Somewhat Cool Companion

Dear DC,

Law school is starting soon (and by soon I mean 4 months) and so I'm trying to decide what type of laptop to buy to help me in my scholarly pursuits.

I typically don't like to categorize myself or subscribe to labels, but unfortunately this one is pretty clear-cut, Am I a Mac or PC?

Am I expensive and exclusive and sexy? Or am I more reasonably priced, full of new features and get along well with all kinds of people/software?

Seems obvious right? Well not to me.

With "Know Thyself" Love,


Saturday, April 24, 2010

When You Get To Your Age....

Dear DC,

I went to the optometrist a few weeks ago, complaining about eye soreness and fatigue. I have had glasses for a long time, but have been told that I only needed to wear them when my eyes got tired, to reduce the strain. So I have been doing that and until recently my eyes have been fine.

I read the letters on the chart just fine (this guy was tricky and threw in some fair!) but then the optometrist told me that I needed to be wearing glasses or contacts full-time or else my eyes would continue to feel this tired. Makes sense.

Here's where he lost me. He said to me, "When you get to your age, you have to expect your eyes to start to fail a little."

EXCUSE ME? You know I'm 24, right? He knew. Obviously he's not a smooth one with the ladies.

So with that, I'm off to go glasses shopping. Here's to something in bright colors or odd shapes to make me look more "hip" and less like a "hip-replacement candidate."

With Geriatric Love,


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Published Again! not really.....

Dear DC,

Second time in a week! Prince of Petworth blog picked out one of my photos to show on the blog. Awesome! This one is just on the home page of the blog so you will have to scroll down until you find the one marked with my Flickr account - KJinDC. It's the one of the two blurry buses. Click here to check it out. For those outside of DC, Prince of Petworth blog is a pretty popular blog for DC residents. I've gotten so that I am checking it out daily (and not just to see if they picked up one of my photos.) So, if you wanted to be totally awesome you could go to the PofP blog and comment on my photo. You know..someting like "hey that KJinDC is amazing, you should post more pictures from him"....or something like that.

With Tog Love,


Friday, April 16, 2010

I've been published! not really....

Dear DC,

HOLY COW!! I have fans! Ok, well, maybe not fans plural, but at least one person liked a photo I took not too long ago and used it for their blog!! The best part is that its on the Prince of Petworth blog, one of my newest found and favorite blogs about all things in our DC neighborhood. As you can see from our last post, They used one that I took just a couple weeks ago. I'm totally excited. Go check it out HERE. You will know that its me because of my flickr account KJinDC.

I'm off to take more pictures tomorrow starting at 5:30am. Here's to more people seeing them and more people liking them.

With double exposure love,


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The blossoms are out!

Dear DC,

I haven't blogged on here in....well, forever. But, with Spring here and the Cherry Blossoms out it makes me want to start things anew, so here we go. Julia and I woke up super early for a Saturday morning to go snap some pictures of the Cherry Blossoms and some other non blossom pictures. We thought we were being smart by beating the crowds at 6am. Yeah...the crowds were smart too. At 6:01am, there were a few people out. At 6:09am, there were quite a bit more. And by 6:14am it was "Hey buddy! get out of my shot!" Besides that, it was still a good time and DC in the early morning is really nice. Here's just a few of the pictures we took.