Thursday, April 22, 2010

Published Again! not really.....

Dear DC,

Second time in a week! Prince of Petworth blog picked out one of my photos to show on the blog. Awesome! This one is just on the home page of the blog so you will have to scroll down until you find the one marked with my Flickr account - KJinDC. It's the one of the two blurry buses. Click here to check it out. For those outside of DC, Prince of Petworth blog is a pretty popular blog for DC residents. I've gotten so that I am checking it out daily (and not just to see if they picked up one of my photos.) So, if you wanted to be totally awesome you could go to the PofP blog and comment on my photo. You know..someting like "hey that KJinDC is amazing, you should post more pictures from him"....or something like that.

With Tog Love,



Amy Jarrett Hill said...

I saw the prince of petworth blog. way cool stuff. And then there was YOUR picture. Even cooler. Way to go. I've always been one to be 'shy' when it comes to posting comments on strangers blogs. I should break out of that.