Friday, February 27, 2009

I should do this--oh well

Dear DC,

I should really learn to trust my instincts.

For example, yesterday I set out to Home Depot to buy blinds for the back door, and a basket hanging thing for the bathroom. As I was gathering my keys and other items, I thought to myself that I would look at the size on the last box of blinds I bought for the front door, thinking that I would need the same size for the back. Of course the thought also came to me to break out the measuring tape and make sure the back door is the same size. Of course...I ignored that thought and bounded out the door.

Going to Home Depot is a bit of a struggle. The road that leads into the depot is curvy and always full of traffic, making it a bit annoying. Add to that, that it's Home Depot I'm going to and so there are a few certain people standing in various parts of the parking lot waving at you to hire them for the day. And by a few people, what I mean is you kind of feel like you are the grand marshal of parade with all the people standing on the sides of the street waving at you. This is also annoying because some of them feel its okay to take their sweet time walking across the parking lot right in front of you.

Anyways, back to the original point. I buy my blinds, and basket thing for the bathroom, weave my way through the parking lot and waving fans, and arrive home only to find that: 1, the blinds were too big for the back door, and 2, the basket for the bathroom is far too big to hang on the wall. Great....why didn't I measure it before! So it was back to the car, on the road, up the windy street with the waving fans wanting work, and to the return counter. Blast! But in the end, I got the right size of blinds and a smaller basket. So all is good.

Of course my lack of instinct trusting didn't end there. This morning I drove Julia to work. On my way home after dropping her off, I should have trusted my instincts to lock the car doors while I was driving. At the corner of New York Ave and H St, a man approached the car. One might think he was homeless, or just allergic to clean clothes. He tapped on the passenger window, saying "come on man, let me in." Of course my cat like reflexes went for the door lock before he could try the handle, which he did. Again he asked me to let him in, but luckily the light had turned green and I was speeding away. Maybe he just wanted to clean my windshield for some cash....from the inside...

With instinctive love,



nichole said...

So scary about the man trying to get in.