Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This is Hard Work!

Dear DC,

I always thought that I was a hard worker. I would go the extra mile on my first grade book reports and design a fancy title page or study the four times tables when everyone else was still working on the two times tables. I just liked to work. Even in college and then in the workplace I liked to work and put in the time to have a good product.

But I am being schooled.

I am trying to figure out how to talk about an average of 10 hour days combined with 13 and 15 hour days on occasion and this happening in my fifth week of work without sounding like a huge complainer. I couldn't figure it out how to do that effectively so I won't write about that. Nope, nothing about that at all!

I'm still enjoying the work, I just expected to have a life outside of work.....silly me.

And for the record, I can't help but lunge for my blackberry every time it buzzes but it's not because I want to be so connected. It's because I'm so worried about what's wrong with the project I am working on now. It's not called crackberry without cause.

With work-a-holic love,



Anonymous said...

Hmm... sounds like the first 8 signs of burn-out-syndrome.

lenalou said...

I hate that culture of ridiculously long days, where you are apparently supposed to feel like a slacker if you don't want to dedicate your entire existence to your job! I hope part of it is just the settling in process--starting a new job is exhausting!

Alison said...

Behold the reason Alison will never live on the east coast. CAREFUL or they will suck out your SOUL!