Sunday, March 29, 2009

Master of the House

Dear DC,

You delivered my husband a great internship (details of which I will reserve for his next blog post....) but in the process you took away the most fantastic house husband.

If I ever have to measure up to how amazing of a housekeeper my husband is, I am in big trouble. Not only did he keep our apartment immaculately clean, he also had a delicious dinner ready for me when I got home. He drove me to work in the morning so I could sleep in and picked me up if I worked late. I knew that he did a lot for me and I appreciated it.

How much he really did hadn't sunk in until his first day at work. I was shocked to come home and find my mess exactly where I left it. My laundry was still dirty and my dishes were not put away. You mean that stuff doesn't just happen? I had gotten so used to my husband's tidy habits.

All of you house husbands and wives are jeering right now, thinking of how much of the work you do each day goes unnoticed.

Well I notice! Because now I'm going to have to do so much more of it than this spoiled girl has had to do in the past three months.

With I'm-scrubbing-the-toilet Love,
