Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Inauguration Pt. 2

Dear DC,

While I don't have any amazing pictures of the inauguration itself, I have the next best of the jumbo screen!!!!

Here you can see where the stage would be if that tree wasn't in the way.I've already touched on how cold it was.....but let me reiterate. IT WAS COLD! Kyle was so cold he got hives up and down his legs and back. Some capitalist gentlemen not in line went to Starbucks at about 6:30am and brought back a dozen or so black coffees (cost about $1.50) selling them for $5 a piece. They no doubt could have gotten $10 each if they felt like extorting the Obama faithful. There was also a lady who had a box full of hand and toe warmers coming around at 5:00am selling those $0.50 packages for $5 each. There is a buyer at every price. I scoffed at the woman next to me who bought 5 of them. About two hours later I was wishing that I had purchased a few myself....brrrrr! I think I might have even paid double that for a little heat!!!!

Along with seeing the political celebrities (I swooned at every Senator who walked out onto the stage), we saw some Hollywood stars there as well. At one point I was 10 ft away from Bruce Springsteen and Chris Tucker (not at the same time). I'm not one of those papparazzi-esque people calling out their names non-stop to get them to look that way for a picture so I don't have any'll just have to take my word for it.

In summary, despite the cold, the crowds, the woman in front of me who refused to stop dancing to the music and thus shaking her butt into my abdomen, and the guy behind us who had a comment for every single person who was shown on the jumbo screen (even if he didn't know who they were, we heard all about it) - in spite of all these things, the experience was worth it.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to watch the inauguration on the Internet to see what I attended!

With love,
