Dear DC,
There are a lot of people I admire for a lot of different reasons. There are the people whose hair always looks perfect and who could be wearing the exact same outfit as me and look 10 times more stylish! Then there are those who seem to have a way with people and make and keep friends so easily.
Well, instead of listing all the things I admire in others and thereby point out my flaws and insecurities, I thought that I would quickly turn that frown upside down and list the things I admire in myself.....and then in my better half, the hubster.
I admire that I am:
- Smart. I am so lucky that I have been blessed with an understanding of concepts and processes and can reason things through. I would honestly be lost without this and I appreciate it every day.
- Able to deal calmly with stressful situations. I love that I can keep cool under pressure, at least for a short period of time. I am able to diffuse difficult situations.
- Forgiving. I can't imaging living with a debilitating grudge day after day and so I am sure glad I naturally am able to forgive people pretty easily. It's much easier to keep track of!
- Forgiving. I don't think comes as any great surprise that my husband's ability to forgive and forget all the stupid fights and dumb things I do is a great boon to our relationship!!
- Funny. His silly jokes and stupid humor sure do make life a whole lot easier and fun!
- Giving. Whether it's cooking a yummy dinner or cleaning the bathroom or giving me a big hug, Kyle's giving nature reminds me every day why I fell in love with him in the first place.
With Love Love Love,
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