Friday, April 3, 2009

Hottest Ticket In Town

Dear DC,

I have the hottest ticket in town....other than the obvious (married to my hubby)....I recently procured FLOOR tickets to the U2 concert in September. WaHOOOOO!

It only cost us the price of membership to (to get into the pre-sale), the price of the actual ticket, cost of facility fee, delivery fee, taxes, service fee.

I don't understand all those fees. Isn't that what I'm paying for with my ticket? It's like when the rental car place charges an airport fee....if you're at the airport then it's an unavoidable cost. Just wrap it into my charge.

I've heard the saying that you don't want to see what goes into making sausages and laws. Well frankly I don't want to see all these stupid fees. Just charge me for it but don't show it to me. Put it all in up front, let me see it and make my decision based on that.....not when I'm in the checkout of Ticketmaster with the most amazing tickets of the year and tack on fees which effectively doubles my ticket price. That means you too airlines!


But I'm going to see U2 so I'm absolutely giddy!

With "I feel ripped off but I still get to see U2" Love,
