Dear DC,
There is a lot of gloom and doom about the economy and circumstances surrounding the economy. Being unemployed in this economy certainly can make one feel a bit discouraged, but in order to overcome this discouragement I am trying to look on the bright side of things.
Here’s what is good about being unemployed….
I only go to bed because I have nothing better to do.
When the alarm clock goes off in the morning, I can smile knowing that it’s not for me.
I get to watch the Price is Right and dream of a day when I might hear “Kyle, come on down, you’re the next contestant on the Price is Right!’
I get to take a nap at 10am, 1:20pm, and 4:45pm.
The Xbox and me get more quality time together.
I get to cook a great meal for Julia when she gets home from work.
I don’t hate my job, because I don’t have one.
So, things could be worse. It’s good to look for the good that is good out there. But lets be honest, I really want a job. So DC, if you could throw me a freaking bone here and drop your unemployment rates a little, that would be great.
With, trying to be patient, love,
I have always dreamed of being the one to be "the next contestant on the Price is Right!" Good luck with all your job endevours. Glad to see you looking at the positive.
Here i am on a Friday night, all alone, kids in bed and have found myself glued to your blog, laughing out loud (i hate "LOL") and so pleased that I am related to you two! How funny you are. I will read more often...promise!
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