Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Haiku for Snow

Dear DC,

Days 1-2 of Snow Storm

The snow keeps falling
I'm at home with my honey
Fall snow, fall for days

Day 3 of Snow Storm

Wow this is a storm
I'm having fun eating junk
It's sure coming down

Day 4 of Snow Storm

Went to work today
It was so nice to get out
Too bad it's snowing

Day 5 of Snow Storm

When will this snow stop?
I hate working from home now
Normal? Where are you?

Storm - Please don't force me to write days 6-7.....just don't!

With "I'm not a poet" Love,



nichole said...

I guess that's the nice thing about Southern Alberta. You only have the snow for a little while before it melts. Today there were people out jogging in shorts.