Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Dear DC,

Every inch of snow in DC represents 10% of the city that shuts down - trust me, I'm a statistician. In December on one weekend we received 15 inches of snow so 150% of the city was shut down. Yes - some places were shut down twice over! The roads were clear (at least in our part of the city) but no one was driving on it because they couldn't or didn't want to dig their car out.

So in anticipation of another big storm this weekend - reports are 10 inches (100% of the city) to 3 and 1/2 feet (whoa...420%) - I thought we should share some photos we took from the last storm.

Oh and church was canceled last week with four inches of snow and ice - $10 says we have another cancellation. It's not a bet, it's a sure thing - remember 420%!

With "snOMG" Love,



The Stewarts said...

Lets just say Julia I am so very excited that We have not received any snow so far this year. Arizona must be pretty lucky so far. My sister who lives in Oklahoma got some to and didn't have power for 10 days. It has been a weird year for weather. But at least you got to spend it with your husband :D Some time i do miss snow, but not enough to move to where there is some.